Session Information
This is a 2-day course, from February 26th to 27th.
Before starting with this course, prepare an active Azure Subscription.
Microsoft Azure is a Public Cloud environment, that provides organizations the opportunity to install and use IT infrastructure in the Cloud. With an easy interface and predefined building blocks, you can create any required IT infrastructure in a very easy way.
During this 2 days Hands-On workshop you will learn :
– The differences between IaaS, PaaS and Saas
– The features of the Azure Resource Manager Model
– The different Azure Management Tools
– How to prepare, size, create and change a virtual machine in Azure
– The different types of Storage in Azure with practical exercises
– How to create your Virtual network infrastructure in Azure
– Building an Azure VPN Gateway
– How to configure Azure Backup
– Azure Site Recovery
– How to provide High Availability and Scalability
After this course, you are able to configure an infrstructure just like you would do during an On-Premises installation. You will be able to connect to this infrastructure through a VPN Gateway. You will be able to make this infrastructure High Available.